Guest Post by Melisa Marzett: 6 Habits of Highly Effective Writers

When we say “good writer”, in most cases we mean someone who writes regularly, professionally and, the main point – a lot. But somehow, when some writers find it easy to publish article after article, book after book, others struggle with each piece, or even start thinking that writing is not their cup of tea.
Typewriter-habits post
“There must be a secret to productive and quality writing,”
you may think, and will be right. There are several habits and approaches to writing widely used by those who succeed as writers. Now you can adopt some of them and improve both the quality and speed of your writing:
  1. Simplify your writing language. No doubt, it’s good that you have a rich vocabulary. But your aim is to convey your thoughts to the reader, not to practice sophisticated word constructions. Make it easier to read and understandable for everyone.
  2. Writing first, criticizing later. Never combine the writing and editing process – it kills all the inspiration. What is more, don’t even read what you’ve just written. Write as long as you feel like writing, and go as far as your imagination takes you. Only after you feel that no words are left to say, you can get down to editing. Even better, wait until some time has passed after the writing and you’ll start editing with a fresh head.
  3. Be a storyteller and illustrate your writing with lots of examples. First and foremost, people look for stories, simple life stories, so they could associate themselves with the main heroes. If you write technical stuff, add examples and metaphors.
  4. Read your work aloud. The proven way to understand if the story flows the way you wanted it, is to read it out loud. It’s the best way to check the tone of your writing, the appropriate use of words and understand if every sentence makes sense.
  5. Develop a writing ritual. There is a lot of advice saying that you should write every day for a certain time. But it sometimes looks like punishment rather than a creative process. What is more effective is to write when you feel like it, but starting with a certain ritual, such as having a cup of white tea, putting on your favorite shirt, switching on instrumental music, etc. Thus, you give your brain a sign that you’re going to write, and even in the days you’re stuck you’ll feel it easier to find ideas.
  6. Write about something you know from your own experience. The reader won’t believe you if you try to cover a topic you don’t know much about. If you need a fresh view on the situation you are not well-versed in. The better thing to do is to interview an expert in this field. Every time you try to cover something new, deep research should be conducted prior to that.
Melisa marzettAbout the author: Melisa Marzett is a passionate writer. She enjoys writing blog posts on business, social media, blogging, lifestyle and many other topics. 



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