Now Write! Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror: Speculative Genre Exercises From Today’s Best Writers and Teachers

Edited by Laurie Lamson

NYJournal-of-books-logo“Whether you’re looking to write the next HUNGER GAMES or conceptualize the next installment of American Horror Story, the newest Now Write! installment will set you on the path to meeting your goal.”
– Renee C. Fountain, New York Journal of Books

Learn from Harlan Ellison®, Piers Anthony, Ramsey Campbell, Jack Ketchum, Aimee Bender, TV writers of Star Trek: The Next Generation, the revivals of Outer Limits and The Twilight Zone,  and many more.  (See Contributors page.)
This fifth volume in the acclaimed Now Write! series of writing guides offers a full toolkit for beginning and experienced speculative genre writers seeking to generate unusual ideas, craft an engaging alternate reality, flesh out enthralling villains, aliens and monsters, or develop a blood-curdling twist ending.  Now Write! Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror features lively and practical insight and exercises, straight from the top speculative genre writers working today, including:
Harlan Ellison® on crafting the perfect story title
Jack Ketchum on how economy of language helps create a truly frightening tale
Piers Anthony on making fantastical characters feel genuine and relatable
Ramsey Campbell on pushing your writing style in new directions
Aimee Bender on combining unexpected imagery to stir up your imagination
This collection of storytelling secrets from top genre writers—among them winners of Nebula, Hugo, Edgar, and Bram Stoker awards—is essential for any writer looking to take a leap beyond the ordinary.
Available at: bookstores and on-line at Penguin Random HouseBarnes & NoblePowell’s and Amazon.
Available in Chinese from China Remnin and in Korean from Darun Publishers.

More books in the Now Write! creative writing series

1 thought on “Now Write! Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror”

  1. I am really enjoying your Now Write! book. I have picked up on so many areas that I was clueless about. I love to learn, and I love that there are great teachers out there who write even greater books. Thanks, Karen Crider

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