“The fourth installment in the Now Write! series (after books about writing fiction, nonfiction, and screenplays) focuses on the mystery genre.
“With chapters written by genre authors—including Simon Brett, Deborah Coonts, and Louise Penny—the book is a sort of from-the-horse’s-mouth affair: writers telling other writers how to build characters, put together a solid plot, use forensics properly, create an engaging setting, manipulate suspense, and find something new to say in a genre that has seen pretty much every variation and nuance you could possibly imagine.
“You can read the book from beginning to end or select specific articles to help you zero in on a particular area. The articles follow a fairly strict format: a brief description of the subject under discussion, some helpful tips, and a creative exercise to give the reader some hands-on practice. Short of one-on-one training with each of the writers featured in the book, this is probably the best and most useful way to benefit from their expertise. A smartly constructed and very helpful writer’s guide.” -David Pitt
“This was an awesome book both for a seasoned as well as a beginning mystery author. I especially enjoyed the exercises at the end of each chapter. Getting writing advice from some of the most successful mystery authors in the business was eye-opening, even to me, a published mystery author.”
Review on Women of Mystery:
“On Fridays (and every other day of the week, actually) Twitter fans share what they are currently reading, using the hashtag #FridayReads (there is also a website dedicated to “Friday Reads“ and on Twitter @FridayReadsWin and Facebook). I wanted to share with you such an outstanding book that I am reading ~ the one I shared today on Twitter as my “FridayReads” selection.
“This book is SO awesome, that when I found it in my library earlier this week, I of course borrowed it ~ but by the time I got home I promptly went online and ordered it. I HAD to own this valuable collection!”