I recently received an email from a reader of Now Write! Screenwriting that brought tears to my eyes.
I asked if he would be kind enough to share it and also something he wrote inspired by an exercise from the book. So here is his email, followed by his writing.
Dear Laurie,
My name is Dominic Matich, a 27 year-old screenwriter from Michigan. About a year and a half ago I purchased Now Write! Screenwriting and it’s brilliant! I also listen to you on NetworkISA podcasts.
I made a commitment to myself, three years ago, when I got a kidney transplant, that I would dedicate my life to the career I love, screenwriting and dreaming for a living. I’m in it for the long haul, I ‘m in it for as many years as I have on this earth.
I’m a boxing trainer as well so I use that discipline and take methods of training and use them in screenwriting, creating a gameplan for each week. Part of the gameplan, is to do 1 exercise from Now Write! each morning to invigorate the “fire write” (the Zone when you can’t stop writing, look up at the clock and the whole day has gone by) inside me and the fuel me for the rest of the day.
I just wanted to thank you and tell you how much that book means to a professional like me, who uses it every day and regards it as an absolutely necessary tool to succeed in the business of screenwriting. I will use it before I win an Academy Award. I will use it after I win an Academy Award and I will use it when I’m regarded as the best, and I will tell everyone, “This book played a huge role in that! Every aspiring writer should have it!!!” It is motivation and inspiration.
– Dominic Matich